Artificial Intelligence and Your Future

As a technology enthusiast, I know that the future will be drastically different from where we stand today. From technology to even daily routines, nothing will be the exact same. While I am excited about these changes I still am a little reserved on how Artificial Intelligence will play a role. When I entered college I chose Computer Science as my major and Cognitive Science as my concentration. I was extremely interested in anything that had to deal with artificial intelligence as well as the mental organization of the human brain. Semesters passed, and while I changed my major I did still dabble in readings about AI and its increasing role in society. While skimming along articles about AI the past couple of days they progressively peaked my interest. I found myself agreeing with most of the authors opinions.

Today I will discussing the overall question or opinion on the future of AI. Hopefully in the future I will be able to do more detailed discussions based on specific issues in AI. My initial thought on this technology is that is it remarkably powerful. And while powerful also brings along amazement and fascination, it equally strings along uncanny negatives. I would love for the future to have tons of trendy AI that we have all dreamed of without us questioning whether or not something horrible will go wrong. But, as we can all imagine, there will come a time that AI will be so powerful that we won’t even have to get out of bed on our own. This is actually my main point. The farther we get with AI the less significant being a human being will matter.

Along with any AI creation that we develop there are new potential security threats will appear. We’ll need to first prove to the public that safety is our number one concern because if that requirement is not met it will only push back developers and creators plans. I know that these risks will only be involved with certain AI, but do you see what I mean? Everything has risks. And while most of the people I’ve spoken to on my campus believe otherwise and want to be blind to that fact, it will only make AI’s existence unfavorable. When creating this new technology creators need to put humans first instead of blurring the line between humans and AI.

Don’t get me wrong I love the little AI that we have now in banking, transportation, and social networking. But I am questioning whether or not we will be able to co-exist instead of technology completely taking over our daily routine. Now this is not a complete flip on how I felt when I first entered college. I still had these reserves but also wanted to explore just how it was created. I am ecstatic to see what the future holds and how technology’s role develops, and maybe I am completely wrong and everything will be perfect. I just hope that when new AI of the world is introduced it is open to criticism.

Below I would love to hear your opinions and any criticism you may have. This my first time ever posting something like this and would love to hear how other people feel! Hopefully, we can have a discussion in the comments 🙂

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